
March 11, 2013

7 things that can go wrong with Ruby 1.9 string encodings

Posted by Raimonds Simanovskis • Tags: ruby, jruby, encoding, jiraShow comments

Good news, I am back in blogging :) In recent years I have spent my time primarily on eazyBI business intelligence application development where I use JRuby, Ruby on Rails, mondrian-olap and many other technologies and libraries and have gathered new experience that I wanted to share with others.

Recently I did eazyBI migration from JRuby 1.6.8 to latest JRuby 1.7.3 version as well as finally migrated from Ruby 1.8 mode to Ruby 1.9 mode. Initial migration was not so difficult and was done in one day (thanks to unit tests which caught majority of differences between Ruby 1.8 and 1.9 syntax and behavior).

But then when I thought that everything is working fine I got quite many issues related to Ruby 1.9 string encodings which unfortunately were not identified by test suite and also not by my initial manual tests. Therefore I wanted to share these issues which might help you to avoid these issues in your Ruby 1.9 applications.

If you are new to Ruby 1.9 string encodings then at first read, for example, tutorials about Ruby 1.9 String and Ruby 1.9 Three Default Encodings, as well as Ruby 1.9 Encodings: A Primer and the Solution for Rails is useful.

1. Encoding header in source files

I will start with the easy one - if you use any Unicode characters in your Ruby source files then you need to add

# encoding: utf-8

magic comment line in the beginning of your source file. This was easy as it was caught by unit tests :)

2. Nokogiri XML generation

The next issues were with XML generation using Nokogiri gem when XML contains Unicode characters. For example,

require "nokogiri"
doc = Nokogiri::XML::Builder.new do |xml|
  xml.dummy :name => "āčē"
puts doc.to_xml

will give the following result when using MRI 1.9:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<dummy name="&#x101;&#x10D;&#x113;"/>

which might not be what you expect if you would like to use UTF-8 encoding also for Unicode characters in generated XML file. If you execute the same ruby code in JRuby 1.7.3 in default Ruby 1.9 mode then you get:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<dummy name="āčē"/>

which seems OK. But actually it is not OK if you look at generated string encoding:

doc.to_xml.encoding # => #<Encoding:US-ASCII>
doc.to_xml.inspect  # => "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n<dummy name=\"\xC4\x81\xC4\x8D\xC4\x93\"/>\n"

In case of JRuby you see that doc.to_xml encoding is US-ASCII (which is 7 bit encoding) but actual content is using UTF-8 8-bit encoded characters. As a result you might get ArgumentError: invalid byte sequence in US-ASCII exceptions later in your code.

Therefore it is better to tell Nokogiri explicitly that you would like to use UTF-8 encoding in generated XML:

doc = Nokogiri::XML::Builder.new(:encoding => "UTF-8") do |xml|
  xml.dummy :name => "āčē"
doc.to_xml.encoding # => #<Encoding:UTF-8>
puts doc.to_xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<dummy name="āčē"/>

3. CSV parsing

If you do CSV file parsing in your application then the first thing you have to do is to replace FasterCSV gem (that you probably used in Ruby 1.8 application) with standard Ruby 1.9 CSV library.

If you process user uploaded CSV files then typical problem is that even if you ask to upload files in UTF-8 encoding then quite often you will get files in different encodings (as Excel is quite bad at producing UTF-8 encoded CSV files).

If you used FasterCSV library with non-UTF-8 encoded strings then you get ugly result but nothing will blow up:

FasterCSV.parse "\xE2"
# => [["\342"]]

If you do the same in Ruby 1.9 with CSV library then you will get ArgumentError exception.

CSV.parse "\xE2"
# => ArgumentError: invalid byte sequence in UTF-8

It means that now you need to rescue and handle ArgumentError exceptions in all places where you try to parse user uploaded CSV files to be able to show user friendly error messages.

The problem with standard CSV library is that it is not handling ArgumentError exceptions and is not wrapping them in MalformedCSVError exception with information in which line this error happened (as it is done with other CSV format exceptions) which makes debugging very hard. Therefore I also "monkey patched" CSV#shift method to add ArgumentError exception handling.

4. YAML serialized columns

ActiveRecord has standard way how to serialize more complex data types (like Array or Hash) in database text column. You use serialize method to declare serializable attributes in your ActiveRecord model class definition. By default YAML format (using YAML.dump method for serialization) is used to serialize Ruby object to text that is stored in database.

But you can get big problems if your data contains string with Unicode characters as YAML implementation significantly changed between Ruby 1.8 and 1.9 versions:

  • Ruby 1.8 used so-called Syck library
  • JRuby in 1.8 mode used Java based implementation that tried to ack like Syck
  • Ruby 1.9 and JRuby in 1.9 mode use new Psych library

Lets try to see results what happens with YAML serialization of simple Hash with string value which contains Unicode characters.

On MRI 1.8:

YAML.dump({:name => "ace āčē"})
# => "--- \n:name: !binary |\n  YWNlIMSBxI3Ekw==\n\n"

On JRuby 1.6.8 in Ruby 1.8 mode:

YAML.dump({:name => "ace āčē"})
# => "--- \n:name: \"ace \\xC4\\x81\\xC4\\x8D\\xC4\\x93\"\n"

On MRI 1.9 or JRuby 1.7.3 in Ruby 1.9 mode:

YAML.dump({:name => "ace āčē"})
# => "---\n:name: ace āčē\n"

So as we see all results are different. But now lets see what happens after we migrated our Rails application from Ruby 1.8 to Ruby 1.9. All our data in database is serialized using old YAML implementations but now when loaded in our application they are deserialized back using new Ruby 1.9 YAML implementation.

When using MRI 1.9:

YAML.load("--- \n:name: !binary |\n  YWNlIMSBxI3Ekw==\n\n")
# => {:name=>"ace \xC4\x81\xC4\x8D\xC4\x93"}
YAML.load("--- \n:name: !binary |\n  YWNlIMSBxI3Ekw==\n\n")[:name].encoding
# => #<Encoding:ASCII-8BIT>

So the string that we get back from database is no more in UTF-8 encoding but in ASCII-8BIT encoding and when we will try to concatenate it with UTF-8 encoded strings we will get Encoding::CompatibilityError: incompatible character encodings: ASCII-8BIT and UTF-8 exceptions.

When using JRuby 1.7.3 in Ruby 1.9 mode then result again will be different:

YAML.load("--- \n:name: \"ace \\xC4\\x81\\xC4\\x8D\\xC4\\x93\"\n")
# => {:name=>"ace Ä\u0081Ä\u008DÄ\u0093"}
YAML.load("--- \n:name: \"ace \\xC4\\x81\\xC4\\x8D\\xC4\\x93\"\n")[:name].encoding
# => #<Encoding:UTF-8>

So now result string has UTF-8 encoding but the actual string is damaged. It means that we will not even get exceptions when concatenating result with other UTF-8 strings, we will just notice some strange garbage instead of Unicode characters.

The problem is that there is no good solution how to convert your database data from old YAML serialization to new one. In MRI 1.9 at least it is possible to switch back YAML to old Syck implementation but in JRuby 1.7 when using Ruby 1.9 mode it is not possible to switch to old Syck implementation.

Current workaround that I did is that I made modified serialization class that I used in all model class definitions (this works in Rails 3.2 and maybe in earlier Rails 3.x versions as well):

serialize :some_column, YAMLColumn.new

YAMLColumn implementation is a copy from original ActiveRecord::Coders::YAMLColumn implementation. I modified load method to the following:

def load(yaml)
  return object_class.new if object_class != Object && yaml.nil?
  return yaml unless yaml.is_a?(String) && yaml =~ /^---/
    # if yaml sting contains old Syck-style encoded UTF-8 characters
    # then replace them with corresponding UTF-8 characters
    # FIXME: is there better alternative to eval?
    if yaml =~ /\\x[0-9A-F]{2}/
      yaml = yaml.gsub(/(\\x[0-9A-F]{2})+/){|m| eval "\"#{m}\""}.force_encoding("UTF-8")
    obj = YAML.load(yaml)

    unless obj.is_a?(object_class) || obj.nil?
      raise SerializationTypeMismatch,
        "Attribute was supposed to be a #{object_class}, but was a #{obj.class}"
    obj ||= object_class.new if object_class != Object


Currently this patched version will work on JRuby where just non-ASCII characters are replaced by \xNN style fragments (byte with hex code NN). When loading existing data from database we check if it has any such \xNN fragment and if yes then these fragments are replaced with corresponding UTF-8 encoded characters. If anyone has better suggestion for implementation without using eval then please let me know in comments :)

If you need to create something similar for MRI then you would probably need to search if database text contains !binary | fragment and if yes then somehow transform it to corresponding UTF-8 string. Anyone has some working example for this?

5. Sending binary data with default UTF-8 encoding

I am using spreadsheet gem to generate dynamic Excel export files. The following code was used to get generated spreadsheet as String:

book = Spreadsheet::Workbook.new
# ... generate spreadsheet ...
buffer = StringIO.new
book.write buffer

And then this string was sent back to browser using controller send_data method.

The problem was that in Ruby 1.9 mode by default StringIO will generate strings with UTF-8 encoding. But Excel format is binary format and as a result send_data failed with exceptions that UTF-8 encoded string contains non-UTF-8 byte sequences.

The fix was to set StringIO buffer encoding to ASCII-8BIT (or you can use alias BINARY):

buffer = StringIO.new

So you need to remember that in all places where you handle binary data you cannot use strings with default UTF-8 encoding but need to specify ASCII-8BIT encoding.

6. JRuby Java file.encoding property

Last two issues were JRuby and Java specific. Java has system property file.encoding which is not related just to file encoding but determines default character set and string encoding in many places.

If you do not specify file.encoding explicitly then Java VM on startup will try to determine its default value based on host operating system "locale". On Linux it might be that it will be set to UTF-8, on Mac OS X by default it will be MacRoman, on Windows it will depend on Windows default locale setting (which will not be UTF-8). Therefore it is always better to set explicitly file.encoding property for Java applications (e.g. using -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 command line flag).

file.encoding will determine which default character set java.nio.charset.Charset.defaultCharset() method call will return. And even if you change file.encoding property during runtime it will not change java.nio.charset.Charset.defaultCharset() result which is cached during startup.

JRuby uses java.nio.charset.Charset.defaultCharset() in very many places to get default system encoding and uses it in many places when constructing Ruby strings. If java.nio.charset.Charset.defaultCharset() will not return UTF-8 character set then it might result in problems when using Ruby strings with UTF-8 encoding. Therefore in JRuby startup scripts (jruby, jirb and others) file.encoding property is always set to UTF-8.

So if you start your JRuby application in standard way using jruby script then you should have file.encoding set to UTF-8. You can check it in your application using ENV_JAVA['file.encoding'].

But if you start your JRuby application in non-standard way (e.g. you have JRuby based plugin for some other Java application) then you might not have file.encoding set to UTF-8 and then you need to worry about it :)

7. JRuby Java string to Ruby string conversion

I got file.encoding related issue in eazyBI reports and charts plugin for JIRA. In this case eazyBI plugin is OSGi based plugin for JIRA issue tracking system and JRuby is running as a scripting container inside OSGi bundle.

JIRA startup scripts do not specify file.encoding default value and as a result it typically is set to operating system default value. For example, on my Windows test environment it is set to Windows-1252 character set.

If you call Java methods of Java objects from JRuby then it will automatically convert java.lang.String objects to Ruby String objects but Ruby strings in this case will use encoding based on java.nio.charset.Charset.defaultCharset(). So even when Java string (which internally uses UTF-16 character set for all strings) can contain any Unicode character it will be returned to Ruby not as string with UTF-8 encoding but in my case will return with Windows-1252 encoding. As a result all Unicode characters which are not in this Windows-1252 character set will be lost.

And this is very bad because everywhere else in JIRA it does not use java.nio.charset.Charset.defaultCharset() and can handle and store all Unicode characters even when file.encoding is not set to UTF-8.

Therefore I finally managed to create a workaround which forces that all Java strings are converted to Ruby strings using UTF-8 encoding.

I created custom Java string converter based on standard one in org.jruby.javasupport.JavaUtil class:

package com.eazybi.jira.plugins;

import org.jruby.javasupport.JavaUtil;
import org.jruby.Ruby;
import org.jruby.RubyString;
import org.jruby.runtime.builtin.IRubyObject;

public class RailsPluginJavaUtil {
    public static final JavaUtil.JavaConverter JAVA_STRING_CONVERTER = new JavaUtil.JavaConverter(String.class) {
        public IRubyObject convert(Ruby runtime, Object object) {
            if (object == null) return runtime.getNil();
            // PATCH: always convert Java string to Ruby string with UTF-8 encoding
            // return RubyString.newString(runtime, (String)object);
            return RubyString.newUnicodeString(runtime, (String)object);
        public IRubyObject get(Ruby runtime, Object array, int i) {
            return convert(runtime, ((String[]) array)[i]);
        public void set(Ruby runtime, Object array, int i, IRubyObject value) {
            ((String[])array)[i] = (String)value.toJava(String.class);

Then in my plugin initialization Ruby code I dynamically replaced standard Java string converter to my customized converter:

java_converters_field = org.jruby.javasupport.JavaUtil.java_class.declared_field("JAVA_CONVERTERS")
java_converters_field.accessible = true
java_converters = java_converters_field.static_value.to_java
java_converters.put(java.lang.String.java_class, com.eazybi.jira.plugins.RailsPluginJavaUtil::JAVA_STRING_CONVERTER)

And as a result now all Java strings that were returned by Java methods were converted to Ruby strings using UTF-8 encoding and not using encoding from file.encoding Java property.

Final thoughts

My main conclusions from solving all these string encoding issues are the following:

  • Use UTF-8 encoding as much as possible. Handling conversions between different encodings will be much more harder than you will expect.
  • Use example strings with Unicode characters in your tests. I didn't identify all these issues initially when running tests after migration because not all tests were using example strings with Unicode characters. So next time instead of using "dummy" string in your test use "dummy āčē" everywhere :)

And please let me know (in comments) if you have better or alternative solutions for the issues that I described here.

September 11, 2011

Easy Business Intelligence with eazyBI

Posted by Raimonds Simanovskis • Tags: eazyBI, business-intelligence, mondrian-olapShow comments

I have been interested in business intelligence and data warehouse solutions for quite a while. And I have seen that traditional data warehouse and business intelligence tool implementations take quite a long time and cost a lot to set up infrastructure, develop or implement business intelligence software and train users. And many business users are not using business intelligence tools because they are too hard to learn and use.

Therefore some while ago a had an idea of developing easy-to-use business intelligence web application that you could implement and start to use right away and which would focus on ease-of-use and not on too much unnecessary features. And result of this idea is eazyBI which after couple months of beta testing now is launched in production.

Many sources of data

One of the first issues in data warehousing is that you need to prepare / import / aggregate data that you would like to analyze. It's hard to create universal solution for this issue therefore I am building several predefined ways how to upload or prepare your data for analysis.

In the simplest case if you have source data in CSV (comma-separated values) format or you can export your data in CSV format then you can upload these files to eazyBI, map columns to dimensions and measures and start to analyze and create reports from uploaded data.

If you are already using some software-as-a-service web applications and would like to have better analysis tools to analyze your data in these applications then eazyBI will provide standard integrations for data import and will create initial sample reports. Currently the first integrations are with 37signals Basecamp project collaboration application as well as you can import and analyze your Twitter timeline. More standard integrations with other applications will follow (please let me know if you would be interested in some particular integration).

One of the main limiting factors for business intelligence as a service solutions is that many businesses are not ready to upload their data to service providers - both because of security concerns as well as uploading of big data volumes takes quite a long time. Remote eazyBI solution is unique solution which allows you to use eazyBI business intelligence as a service application with your existing data in your existing databases. You just need to download and set up remote eazyBI application and start to analyze your data. As a result you get the benefits of fast implementation of business intelligence as a service but without the risks of uploading your data to service provider.


Many existing business intelligence tools suffer from too many features which make them complicated to use and you need special business intelligence tool consultants which will create reports and dashboards for business users.

Therefore my goal for eazyBI is to make it with less features but any feature that is added should be easy-to-use. With simple drag-and-drop and couple clicks you can select dimensions by which you want to analyze data and start with summaries and then drill into details. Results can be viewed as traditional tables or as different bar, line, pie, timeline or map charts. eazyBI is easy and fun to use as you play with your data.

Share reports with others

When you have created some report which you would like to share with other your colleagues, customers or partners then you can either send link to report or you can also embed report into other HTML pages. Here is example of embedded report from demo eazyBI account:

Embedded reports are fully dynamic and will show latest data when page will be refreshed. They can be embedded in company intranets, wikis or blogs or any other web pages.

Open web technologies

eazyBI user interface is built with open HTML5/CSS3/JavaScript technologies which allows to use it both on desktop browsers as well as on mobile devices like iPad (you will be able to open reports even on mobile phones like iPhone or Android but of course because of screen size it will be harder to use). And if you will use modern browser like Chrome, Firefox, Safari or Internet Explorer 9 then eazyBI will be also very fast and responsive. I believe that speed should be one of the main features of any application therefore I am optimizing eazyBI to be as fast as possible.

In the backend eazyBI uses open source Mondrian OLAP engine and mondrian-olap JRuby library that I have created and open-sourced during eazyBI development.

No big initial investments

eazyBI pricing is based on monthly subscription starting from $20 per month. There is also free plan for single user as well as you can publish public data for free. And you don't need to make long-term commitments - you just pay for the service when you use it and you can cancel it anytime when you don't need it anymore.

Try it out

If this sounds interesting to you then please sign up for eazyBI and try to upload and analyze your data. And if you have any suggestions or questions about eazyBI then please let me know.

P.S. Also I wanted to mention that by subscribing to eazyBI you will also support my work on open-source. If you are user of my open-source libraries then I will appreciate if you will become eazyBI user as well :) But in case if you do not need solution like eazyBI you could support me by tweeting and blogging about eazyBI, will be thankful for that as well.

August 09, 2011

Oracle enhanced adapter 1.4.0 and Readme Driven Development

Posted by Raimonds Simanovskis • Tags: oracle_enhanced, ruby, rails, oracleShow comments

I just released Oracle enhanced adapter version 1.4.0 and here is the summary of main changes.

Rails 3.1 support

Oracle enhanced adapter GitHub version was working with Rails 3.1 betas and release candidate versions already but it was not explicitly stated anywhere that you should use git version with Rails 3.1. Therefore I am releasing new version 1.4.0 which is passing all tests with latest Rails 3.1 release candidate. As I wrote before main changes in ActiveRecord 3.1 are that it using prepared statement cache and using bind variables in many statements (currently in select by primary key, insert and delete statements) which result in better performance and better database resources usage.

To follow up how Oracle enhanced adapter is working with different Rails versions and different Ruby implementations I have set up Continuous Integration server to run tests on different version combinations. At the moment of writing everything was green :)

Other bug fixes and improvements

Main fixes and improvements in this version are the following:

  • On JRuby I switched from using old ojdbc14.jar JDBC driver to latest ojdbc6.jar (on Java 6) or ojdbc5.jar (on Java 5). And JDBC driver can be located in Rails application ./lib directory as well.

  • RAW data type is now supported (which is quite often used in legacy databases instead of nowadays recommended CLOB and BLOB types).

  • rake db:create and rake db:drop can be used to create development or test database schemas.

  • Support for virtual columns in improved (only working on Oracle 11g database).

  • Default table, index, CLOB and BLOB tablespaces can be specified (if your DBA is insisting on putting everything in separate tablespaces :)).

  • Several improvements for context index additional options and definition dump.

See list of all enhancements and bug fixes

If you want to have a new feature in Oracle enhanced adapter then the best way is to implement it by yourself and write some tests for that feature and send me pull request. In this release I have included commits from five new contributors and two existing contributors - so it is not so hard to start contributing to open source!

Readme Driven Development

One of the worst parts of Oracle enhanced adapter so far was that for new users it was quite hard to understand how to start to use it and what are all additional features that Oracle enhanced adapter provides. There were many blog posts in this blog, there were wiki pages, there were posts in discussion forums. But all this information was in different places and some posts were already outdated and therefore for new users it was hard to understand how to start.

After reading about Readme Driven Development and watching presentation about Readme Driven Development I knew that README of Oracle enhanced adapter was quite bad and should be improved (in my other projects I am already trying to be better but this was my first one :)).

Therefore I have written new README of Oracle enhanced adapter which includes main installation, configuration, usage and troubleshooting tasks which previously was scattered across different other posts. If you find that some important information is missing or outdated then please submit patches to README as well so that it stays up to date and with relevant information.

If you have any questions please use discussion group or report issues at GitHub or post comments here.

June 03, 2011

Recent conference presentations

Posted by Raimonds Simanovskis • Tags: conference, ruby, oracle_enhanced, mondrian-olap, javascript, coffeescriptShow comments

Recently I has not posted any new posts as I was busy with some new projects as well as during May attended several conferences and in some I also did presentations. Here I will post slides from these conferences. If you are interested in some of these topics then ask me to come to you as well and talk about these topics :)

Agile Riga Day

In March I spoke at Agile Riga Day (organized by Agile Latvia) about my experience and recommendations how to adopt Agile practices in iterative style.

How to Adopt Agile at Your Organization


In May I travelled to RailsConf in Baltimore and I hosted traditional Rails on Oracle Birds of a Feather session there and gave overview about how to contribute to ActiveRecord Oracle enhanced adapter.

Rails on Oracle 2011


Then I participated in our local Theory and Practice of Software Testing conference and there I promoted use of Ruby as test scripting language.

Why Every Tester Should Learn Ruby


And lastly I participated in Euruko and RailsWayCon conferences in Berlin. In RailsWayCon my first presentation was about multidimensional data analysis with JRuby and mondrian-olap gem. I also published mondrian-olap demo project that I used during presentation.

RailsWayCon: Multidimensional Data Analysis with JRuby

And second RailsWayCon presentation was about CoffeeScript, Backbone.js and Jasmine that I am recently using to build rich web user interfaces. This was quite successful presentation as there were many questions and also many participants were encouraged to try out CoffeeScript and Backbone.js. I also published my demo application that I used for code samples during presentation.

Rails-like JavaScript Using CoffeeScript, Backbone.js and Jasmine

Next conferences

Now I will rest for some time from conferences :) But then I will attend FrozenRails in Helsinki and I will present at Oracle OpenWorld in San Francisco. See you there!

January 05, 2011

Oracle enhanced adapter 1.3.2 is released

Posted by Raimonds Simanovskis • Tags: oracle_enhanced, ruby, rails, oracleShow comments

I just released Oracle enhanced adapter version 1.3.2 with latest bug fixes and enhancements.

Bug fixes and improvements

Main fixes and improvements are the following:

  • Previous version 1.3.1 was checking if environment variable TNS_NAME is set and only then used provided database connection parameter (in database.yml) as TNS connection alias and otherwise defaulted to connection to localhost with provided database name. This was causing issues in many setups.
    Therefore now it is simplified that if you provide only database parameter in database.yml then it by default will be used as TNS connection alias or TNS connection string.
  • Numeric username and/or password in database.yml will be automatically converted to string (previously you needed to quote them using "...").
  • Database connection pool and JNDI connections are now better supported for JRuby on Tomcat and JBoss application servers.
  • NLS connection parameters are supported via environment variables or in database.yml. For example, if you need to have NLS_DATE_FORMAT in your database session to be DD-MON-YYYY then either you specify nls_date_format: DD-MON-YYYY in database.yml for particular database connection or set ENV['NLS_DATE_FORMAT'] = 'DD-MON-YYYY' in e.g. config/initializers/oracle.rb. You can see the list of all NLS parameters in source code.
    It might be necessary to specify these NLS session parameters only if you work with some existing legacy database which has, for example, some stored procedures that require particular NLS settings. If this is new database just for Rails purposes then there is no need to change any settings.
  • If you have defined foreign key constraints then they are now correctly dumped in db/schema.rb after all table definitions. Previously they were dumped after corresponding table which sometimes caused that schema could not be recreated from schema dump because it tried to load constraint which referenced table which has not yet been defined.
  • If you are using NCHAR and NVARCHAR2 data types then now NCHAR and NVARCHAR2 type values are correctly quoted with N'...' in SQL statements.

Upcoming changes in Rails 3.1

Meanwhile Oracle enhanced adapter is updated to pass all ActiveRecord unit tests in Rails development master branch and also updated according to Arel changes. Arel library is responsible for all SQL statement generation in Rails 3.0.

Rails 3.0.3 is using Arel version 2.0 which was full rewrite of Arel 1.0 (that was used initial Rails 3.0 version) and as a result of this rewrite it is much faster and now Rails 3.0.3 ActiveRecord is already little bit faster than in ActiveRecord in Rails 2.3.

There are several improvements in Rails master branch which are planned for Rails 3.1 version which are already supported by Oracle enhanced adapter. One improvement is that ActiveRecord will support prepared statement caching (initially for standard simple queries like find by primary key) which will reduce SQL statement parsing time and memory usage (and probably Oracle DBAs will complain less about Rails dynamic SQL generation :)). The other improvement is that ActiveRecord will correctly load included associations with more than 1000 records (which currently fails with ORA-01795 error).

But I will write more about these improvements sometime later when Rails 3.1 will be released :)


As always you can install Oracle enhanced adapter on any Ruby platform (Ruby 1.8.7 or Ruby 1.9.2 or JRuby 1.5) with

gem install activerecord-oracle_enhanced-adapter

If you have any questions please use discussion group or report issues at GitHub or post comments here. And the best way how to contribute is to fix some issue or create some enhancement and send me pull request at GitHub.

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