
July 25, 2008

Screencast of Oracle E-Business Suite setup management tool

Posted by Raimonds Simanovskis • Tags: oracle, screencastShow comments

URRA.pngWarning: this post will be unrelatead to Ruby :)

For many years our company is using tool for Oracle E-Business Suite setup management that we initially built for our own purposes but now also we are offering to other Oracle partners and customers.

As I was bored to do demonstrations of it over and over again I finally decided to create a screencast of this tool (it’s 22 MB large). And I think that my first experiment in screencasting is not too bad :)

Previously screencasting was quite hard stuff as there was not so many good tools for that. In this case I used ScreenFlow tool which was released this year (and is available just on Mac OS X Leopard) and I have to say that it is much more better and easier compared to any other tools that I have seen earlier. So I am strongly recommending it to others who are interested in screencasting.

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