
Posts tagged with "testing"

October 22, 2010

ruby-plsql-spec upgraded to use RSpec 2.0

Posted by Raimonds Simanovskis • Tags: ruby-plsql, oracle, plsql, testing, rubyShow comments

Initial version of ruby-plsql-spec gem was using RSpec version 1.3. But recently RSpec 2.0 was released which API is not compatible with previous RSpec 1.x API and as a result plsql-spec utility was failing if just RSpec was upgraded to version 2.0.

Therefore I updated also ruby-plsql-spec to use latest RSpec 2.0 gem and released ruby-plsql-spec gem version 0.2.1. You can install the latest version with

gem install ruby-plsql-spec

Upgrade from previous version

If you previously already installed initial ruby-plsql-spec version 0.1.0 then you need to update your spec/spec_helper.rb file to use RSpec 2.0. You can do it by running one more time

plsql-spec init

which will check which current files are different from the latest templates. You need to update just spec_helper.rb file. When you will be prompted to overwrite spec_helper.rb file then at first you can enter d to see differences between current file and new template. If you have not changed original spec_helper.rb file then you will see just one difference

- Spec::Runner.configure do |config|
+ RSpec.configure do |config|

You can then answer y and this file will be updated. When you will be prompted to overwrite other files then you can review the changes in the same way and decide if you want them to be overwritten or not (e.g. do not overwrite database.yml file as it has your specific database connection settings).

HTML output option

In addition plsql-spec utility now has --html option which will generate test results report as HTML report. It might be useful for usage in text editors where you can define which command line utility to run when pressing some shortcut key and then display generated HTML output report. If you will execute

plsql-spec run --html

then it will generate HTML report in test-results.html file. You can override this file name as well using --html output_file_name.html option.

Questions or suggestions

If you have any other feature suggestions or questions about ruby-plsql-spec then please post comments here or report any bugs at GitHub issues page.

October 05, 2010

ruby-plsql-spec gem and code coverage reporting

Posted by Raimonds Simanovskis • Tags: ruby-plsql, oracle, plsql, testing, rubyShow comments

During recent Oracle OpenWorld conference I presented session PL/SQL unit testing can be fun! where I demonstrated how to do PL/SQL unit testing with Ruby:

Audience was quite interested and had a lot of questions and therefore it motivated me to do some more improvements to ruby-plsql-spec to make it easier for newcomers.

ruby-plsql-spec gem and plsql-spec command line utility

Initially ruby-plsql-spec was just repository of sample tests and if you wanted to start to use it in your project you had to manually pick necessary files and copy them to your project directory.

Now ruby-plsql-spec is released as a gem which includes all necessary dependencies (except ruby-oci8 which you should install if using MRI Ruby implementation) and you can install it with

gem install ruby-plsql-spec

See more information about installation in README file or see specific installation instructions on Windows.

When you have installed ruby-plsql-spec gem and want to start to use it in your existing project then go to your project directory and from command line execute

plsql-spec init

It will create spec subdirectory in current directory where all initial supporting files will be created. The main configuration file which should be updated is spec/database.yml where you should specify username, password and database connection string that should be used when running tests:

  username: hr
  password: hr
  database: orcl

If you specify just database: name then it will be used as TNS connection string (and TNS_ADMIN environment variable should point to directory where tnsnames.ora file is located) or you can also provide hostname: and if necessary also port: parameters and then you can connect to database without tnsnames.ora file.

Now you can start to create your tests in spec directory and your tests file names should end with _spec.rb. You can see some examples at ruby-plsql-spec examples directory

To validate your installation you can try to create simple dummy test in spec/dummy_spec.rb:

require "spec_helper"

describe "test installation" do
  it "should get SYSDATE" do
    plsql.sysdate.should_not == NULL

And now from command line you can try to run your test with:

plsql-spec run

If everything is fine you should see something similar like this:

Running all specs from spec/

Finished in 0.033782 seconds

1 example, 0 failures

Code coverage reporting

During my Oracle OpenWorld presentation I also showed how to get PL/SQL code coverage report (which shows which PL/SQL code lines were executed during tests run). It might be useful when you want to identify which existing PL/SQL code is not yet covered by unit tests.

Now code coverage reporting is even easier with new ruby-plsql-spec gem. It uses Oracle database DBMS_PROFILER package to collect code coverage information and I took rcov reports HTML and CSS files to present results (so that they would be very similar to Ruby code coverage reports).

To try code coverage reporting let’s create simple PL/SQL function:

  RETURN 'test_profiler';
    RETURN 'others';

and simple test to verify code coverage reporting:

require "spec_helper"

describe "test code coverage" do
  it "should get result" do
    plsql.test_profiler.should == 'test_profiler'

And now you can run tests with --coverage option which will produce code coverage report:

plsql-spec run --coverage

As a result code coverage reports are created in coverage/ subdirectory. Open coverage/index.html in your browser and click on TEST_PROFILER function and you should see something similar like this report:

You can see that RETURN 'test_profiler'; line (with green background) was executed by test but RETURN 'others'; line (with red background) was not. Lines with light background are ignored by DBMS_PROFILER and I do not take them into account when calculating code coverage percentage (but they are taken into account when calculating total coverage percentage).

Questions or feedback

If you have any other questions about using ruby-plsql-spec for PL/SQL unit testing then please post comments here or if you find any issues when using ruby-plsql-spec then please report them at GitHub issues page.

January 06, 2010

Screencasts of Oracle PL/SQL unit testing with Ruby

Posted by Raimonds Simanovskis • Tags: ruby-plsql, oracle, plsql, testing, ruby, screencastShow comments

In my previous post I already described how to do Oracle PL/SQL unit testing with Ruby. I now have named it as ruby-plsql-spec unit testing framework. But probably you didn’t want to read such long text or maybe it seemed for you too difficult to try it out therefore I prepared two screencasts to show how easy and fun it is :)

Testing simple function

The first example is based on classic BETWNSTR function example from utPLSQL tutorial.


Load screencast in QuickTime format (4.7 MB).

Testing procedure that changes tables

Second example is based on Quest Code Tester for Oracle testing tables demo screencast. So you can see both unit testing frameworks in action and can compare which you like better :)


Load screencast in QuickTime format (8.1 MB).

Test driven development

In both these screencasts I demonstrated how to do test driven development of PL/SQL

  • Write little test of indended functionality before writing code.
  • Write implementation of new functionality until this test passes and verify that all existing tests pass as well.
  • Refactor implementation when needed and verify that all tests still pass.

From my experience TDD style of development can improve design and testability of code and also make you think before coding what you actually want to implement. But existing visual PL/SQL testing tools (Quest Code Tester, SQL Developer 2.1) do not quite support TDD style of development, they expect that there is already existing code that should be tested. Therefore this is one more ruby-plsql-spec advantage if you would like to do TDD style development in PL/SQL.

More information

Examples shown in screencasts are available in ruby-plsql-spec GitHub repository. And if you want to see more examples how to use ruby-plsql library for PL/SQL unit testing then you can take a look at ruby-plsql own RSpec tests or read previous posts about ruby-plsql.

November 27, 2009

Oracle PL/SQL unit testing with Ruby

Posted by Raimonds Simanovskis • Tags: ruby-plsql, ruby, oracle, plsql, testingShow comments

Current PL/SQL unit testing options

Unit testing and TDD (test driven development) practices are nowadays one of the key software development practices. It is especially important if you are doing agile software development in small iterations where you need to automate unit testing as much as possible, as you cannot do manual regression testing of all existing and new functionality at the end of each iteration.

In some languages (like Java, Ruby, Python, C# etc.) there is quite good tools and frameworks support for unit testing and as a result there is quite high testing culture among top developers in these communities. But unfortunately in PL/SQL community so far automated unit testing is not used very often. During recent Oracle OpenWorld conference in presentations about unit testing when it was asked who is doing automated unit testing then only few hands were raised.

Why is it so? And what are current options for doing automated PL/SQL unit testing?

The first unit testing framework for PL/SQL was utPLSQL which was created by Steven Feuerstein and based on API defined by many other xUnit style frameworks (like e.g. JUnit). But the issue with this approach was that PL/SQL syntax for tests was quite verbose and tests were not very readable (see example). As a result Steven stopped developing further utPLSQL and currently there are no other active maintainers of this project. There are some other alternative frameworks which tried to simplify writing tests in PL/SQL (OUnit, pl/unit, PLUTO etc.) but none of them are very actively used and maintained by PL/SQL community.

Because of the issues with utPLSQL Steven Feuerstein started development of graphical interface tool for PL/SQL unit testing which is now Quest Code Tester for Oracle. This tool is actively developed and maintained by Quest Software but there are several issues with it:

  • It is a commercial tool and as a result it will not become widely accepted by all PL/SQL developers. There is also a freeware edition of it but the functionality of it is very limited.
  • It is a graphical tool – it can help you with quick creation of simple tests but when you will need more complex logic you might get stuck that you cannot do it (or you need to do it again in plain PL/SQL and have the same issues as in utPLSQL).
  • It stores tests in database repository – and it means that it might be hard to maintain unit tests in version control system like Subversion or Git.

And finally also Oracle started to do something in PL/SQL unit testing area and there is unit testing support in latest SQL Developer version 2.1 which currently still is in early adopter status. SQL Developer has very similar approach to Quest Code Tester – it is graphical tool which stores tests and test results in repository. So the benefit of SQL Developer over Quest Code Tester is that it is free :) But compared to Quest Code Tester it still has less features (e.g. currently not all complex data types are supported) and still is not released as final version and still has bugs.

Ruby as testing tool for PL/SQL

As you probably know I am quite big Ruby fan and always exploring new ways how to use Ruby to increase my productivity. And Ruby community has very high testing culture and has many good tools for testing support (I like and use RSpec testing framework). Therefore some time ago I started to use Ruby and RSpec also for testing PL/SQL code in our projects where we use Ruby on Rails on top of Oracle databases with existing PL/SQL business logic.

I have created ruby-plsql library which provides very easy API for calling PL/SQL procedures from Ruby and recent ruby-plsql version supports majority of PL/SQL data types.

So let’s start with with simple example how to use Ruby, RSpec and ruby-plsql to create PL/SQL procedure unit test. I will use BETWNSTR procedure example from utPLSQL examples:

   string_in   IN   VARCHAR2,
   start_in    IN   INTEGER,
   end_in      IN   INTEGER
   l_start PLS_INTEGER := start_in;
   IF l_start = 0
      l_start := 1;
   END IF;
   RETURN (SUBSTR (string_in, l_start, end_in - l_start + 1));

I took example tests from utPLSQL and wrote them in Ruby and RSpec:

describe "Between string" do
  it "should be correct in normal case" do
    plsql.betwnstr('abcdefg', 2, 5).should == 'bcde'
  it "should be correct with zero start value" do
    plsql.betwnstr('abcdefg', 0, 5).should == 'abcde'
  it "should be correct with way big end value" do
    plsql.betwnstr('abcdefg', 5, 500).should == 'efg'
  it "should be correct with NULL string" do
    plsql.betwnstr(nil, 5, 500).should be_nil

As you can see the tests are much shorter than in utPLSQL and are much more readable (also more readable than utPLSQL template which can be used to generate utPLSQL tests). And also you can create these tests faster than using GUI tools like Quest Code Tester or SQL Developer.

More complex example

Second more complex example I took from SQL Developer unit testing tutorial. We will create tests for PL/SQL procedure AWARD_BONUS:

 PROCEDURE award_bonus (
  emp_id NUMBER, sales_amt NUMBER) AS
  commission    REAL;
  comm_missing  EXCEPTION;
  SELECT commission_pct INTO commission
    FROM employees2
      WHERE employee_id = emp_id;
  IF commission IS NULL THEN
    RAISE comm_missing;
    UPDATE employees2
      SET salary = NVL(salary,0) + sales_amt*commission
        WHERE employee_id = emp_id;
END award_bonus;

I didn’t quite like the testing approach in SQL Developer unit testing tutorial – it was assuming that there is already specific data in employees2 table and was testing procedure using specific primary key values. As a result tests are not very readable as you cannot see all input data in the test case and tests could easily broke if initial data in table are different.

Therefore I created tests in Ruby using better approach that each test creates all necessary data that are needed for it and at the end of test there are no side effects which can influence other tests:

describe "Award bonus" do
  include CustomerFactory
  [ [1000,  1234.55,  0.10,   1123.46],
    [nil,   1234.56,  0.10,   123.46],
    [1000,  1234.54,  0.10,   1123.45]
  ].each do |salary, sales_amt, commission_pct, result|
    it "should calculate base salary #{salary.inspect} + sales amount #{sales_amt} * " +
                  "commission percentage #{commission_pct} = salary #{result.inspect}" do
      employee = create_employee(
        :commission_pct => commission_pct,
        :salary => salary
      plsql.award_bonus(employee[:employee_id], sales_amt)
      get_employee(employee[:employee_id])[:salary].should == result

I am generating three different tests with three different sets of input values. When you run these tests you see result:

Award bonus
- should calculate base salary 1000 + sales amount 1234.55 * commission percentage 0.1 = salary 1123.46
- should calculate base salary NULL + sales amount 1234.56 * commission percentage 0.1 = salary 123.46
- should calculate base salary 1000 + sales amount 1234.54 * commission percentage 0.1 = salary 1123.45

In addition I am using factory pattern (create_customer method) for test data creation. When using factory pattern you create test data creation method which will create valid new record with default field values. If in your test you need some specific non-default values then you can pass just these values as parameters to factory method. Factory pattern also helps in the maintenance of tests. For example, if new mandatory columns will be added to employees table then it will be necessary to add new fields with default values in factory methods and nothing should be changed in individual tests.

Here is example of employee factory implementation:

module EmployeeFactory
  # Creates new employee with valid field values.
  # Pass in parameters only field values that you want to override.
  def create_employee(params)
    employee = {
      :employee_id => plsql.employees2_seq.nextval,
      :last_name => 'Last',
      :email => 'last@example.com',
      :hire_date => Date.today,
      :job_id => plsql.jobs.first[:job_id],
      :commission_pct => nil,
      :salary => nil
    plsql.employees2.insert employee
    get_employee employee[:employee_id]
  # Select employee by primary key
  def get_employee(employee_id)
    plsql.employees2.first :employee_id => employee_id

And here is additional test for testing if procedure will raise exception if one input value is missing:

  it "should raise ORA-06510 exception if commission percentage is missing" do
    salary, sales_amt, commission_pct = 1000,  1234.55,  nil
    employee = create_employee(
      :commission_pct => commission_pct,
      :salary => salary
    lambda do
      plsql.award_bonus(employee[:employee_id], sales_amt)
    end.should raise_error(/ORA-06510/)

How to use it

I hope that if you are looking for PL/SQL unit testing tool then you will try this out :) You can get examples from this article together with necessary setup code and installation instructions at http://github.com/rsim/ruby-plsql-spec.

If you have any feedback or questions or feature suggestions then please comment.

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