
April 21, 2009

ruby-plsql new version - Ruby 1.9.1 support and more

Posted by Raimonds Simanovskis • Tags: ruby-plsql, ruby, oracle, plsqlShow comments

I have released ruby-plsql gem (Ruby API for Oracle PL/SQL procedure calls) new version 0.3.0 which includes several new features.

Ruby 1.9.1

Probably the most important is support for Ruby 1.9.1 – now you can use both Oracle enhanced adapter and ruby-plsql gem on all three major Ruby plaforms:

  • MRI 1.8.6 with ruby-oci8 1.0.x library or gem
  • Ruby/YARV 1.9.1 with ruby-oci8 2.0 library or gem (currently just trunk version of ruby-oci8 2.0 contains the last bug fixes for Ruby 1.9.1)
  • JRuby (so far tested with 1.1.6) with JDBC Oracle driver

ActiveRecord connection

In addition usage of ruby-plsql gem in Ruby on Rails project is simplified. Now you can include in environment.rb or some initializer file just:

plsql.activerecord_class = ActiveRecord::Base

and you don’t need to specify plsql.connection anymore – it will always use current ActiveRecord connection. This is also useful when ActiveRecord reestablishes connection to database as you don’t need to reestablish plsql connection in this case.

In addition if you use several different connections to Oracle database then you can assign to plsql.activerecord_class also different class that inherits from ActiveRecord::Base and has connection to different database.

Database time zone

Also you can also specify in which timezone DATE values are stored in database:

plsql.default_timezone = :local


plsql.default_timezone = :utc

This will affect how DATE values (without timezone) will be converted to Time or DateTime values (with timezone), default selection is :local timezone. If you have set plsql.activerecord_class then the value will be taken from ActiveRecord::Base.default_timezone.

BLOB support

You can now use BLOB data type for input and output parameters and function return values.
I remind you that also NUMBER, VARCHAR2, DATE, TIMESTAMP and CLOB data types are supported,

Synonym support

Now you can also use private and public database synonyms to functions or procedures or packages.
E.g. if ORA_LOGIN_USER is public database synonym to SYS.LOGIN_USER function then instead of


you can use



To install the gem as always do

sudo gem install ruby-plsql

or call the correct gem command version for JRuby or Ruby 1.9.1.

Source code of ruby-plsql is located at GitHub where you can find usage examples in RSpec tests.

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