
June 03, 2011

Recent conference presentations

Posted by Raimonds Simanovskis • Tags: conference, ruby, oracle_enhanced, mondrian-olap, javascript, coffeescriptShow comments

Recently I has not posted any new posts as I was busy with some new projects as well as during May attended several conferences and in some I also did presentations. Here I will post slides from these conferences. If you are interested in some of these topics then ask me to come to you as well and talk about these topics :)

Agile Riga Day

In March I spoke at Agile Riga Day (organized by Agile Latvia) about my experience and recommendations how to adopt Agile practices in iterative style.

How to Adopt Agile at Your Organization


In May I travelled to RailsConf in Baltimore and I hosted traditional Rails on Oracle Birds of a Feather session there and gave overview about how to contribute to ActiveRecord Oracle enhanced adapter.

Rails on Oracle 2011


Then I participated in our local Theory and Practice of Software Testing conference and there I promoted use of Ruby as test scripting language.

Why Every Tester Should Learn Ruby


And lastly I participated in Euruko and RailsWayCon conferences in Berlin. In RailsWayCon my first presentation was about multidimensional data analysis with JRuby and mondrian-olap gem. I also published mondrian-olap demo project that I used during presentation.

RailsWayCon: Multidimensional Data Analysis with JRuby

And second RailsWayCon presentation was about CoffeeScript, Backbone.js and Jasmine that I am recently using to build rich web user interfaces. This was quite successful presentation as there were many questions and also many participants were encouraged to try out CoffeeScript and Backbone.js. I also published my demo application that I used for code samples during presentation.

Rails-like JavaScript Using CoffeeScript, Backbone.js and Jasmine

Next conferences

Now I will rest for some time from conferences :) But then I will attend FrozenRails in Helsinki and I will present at Oracle OpenWorld in San Francisco. See you there!

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