
September 14, 2009

How to install Oracle Database 10g on Mac OS X Snow Leopard

Posted by Raimonds Simanovskis • Tags: oracle, database, macShow comments

sl_oracle.jpgOracle Database 10g is not yet officially supported on new Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard but thanks to comments at my previous tutorial I managed to do Oracle 10g installation on fresh Mac OS X Snow Leopard.

If you have upgraded from Leopard with Oracle 10g installation to Snow Leopard then most probably Oracle 10g should work fine and you should not do anything. These instructions are just for fresh installation of Snow Leopard.

And also please take in mind that Oracle 10g on Snow Leopard is not supported yet by Oracle and therefore please do not run critical production applications on it :)

So here are my updated Oracle 10g installation instructions for Snow Leopard.

Initial preparation

At first you need Xcode tools installed on your Mac OS X.

Then you need to create oracle user as well as increase default kernel parameters. Open Terminal and switch to root user:

sudo -i

Create oinstall group and oracle user (I used group and user number 600 to ensure that they do not collide with existing groups and users):

dscl . -create /groups/oinstall
dscl . -append /groups/oinstall gid 600
dscl . -append /groups/oinstall passwd "*"
dscl . -create /users/oracle
dscl . -append /users/oracle uid 600
dscl . -append /users/oracle gid 600
dscl . -append /users/oracle shell /bin/bash
dscl . -append /users/oracle home /Users/oracle
dscl . -append /users/oracle realname "Oracle software owner"
mkdir /Users/oracle
chown oracle:oinstall /Users/oracle

Change password for oracle user:

passwd oracle

Change default kernel parameters:

vi /etc/sysctl.conf

and enter values recommended by Oracle:


Oracle DB installation scripts have reference to Java version 1.4.2 which is not present on Snow Leopard. The easiest way to fix it is to create symbolic link to newer version of Java:

sudo ln -s /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.5.0 /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.4.2

After this reboot your computer so that these new kernel parameters would be taken into effect.

After reboot you need to log in as new “Oracle software owner” user (as now Snow Leopard has stricter control for access to X11 display and therefore I couldn’t manage to start Oracle installation just from terminal).

Open Terminal application and set shell settings in .bash_profile

vi .bash_profile

and enter

export DISPLAY=:0.0
umask 022
ulimit -Hn 65536
ulimit -Sn 65536

As you see I prefer to install all Oracle related files under home directory of oracle user therefore I am setting ORACLE_BASE to home directory. And also include ulimit settings – I forgot to do this initially and got strange TNS service errors because of that.

Now execute this script so that these settings are applied to current shell:

. ./.bash_profile

Now download db.zip installation archive and place it somewhere and unzip it:

mkdir Install
cd Install
# download db.zip to this directory
unzip db.zip
cd db/Disk1

Now you are ready to start installation. In Snow Leopard you need to pass -J-d32 option to installation script to force to run Java in 32-bit mode as some native libraries are 32-bit:

./runInstaller -J-d32


In installation wizard I selected the following options:

  • Standard Edition – as I don’t need additional features of Enterprise Edition
  • Install Software Only – we will need to do some fixes before database creation

In the middle of installation you will get error message “Error in invoking target ‘all_no_orcl ipc_g ihsodbc32’ …” (message truncated). Please do not press anything and switch to Terminal application.

cd ~/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/rdbms/lib
vi ins_rdbms.mk

and in this file you need to search for line containing HSODBC_LINKLINE (in vi enter /HSODBC_LINKLINE) and comment out this line with putting @# @ in front of it:


and save changed file.

In this way we disable failing compilation of library which is anyway not needed for our Oracle DB installation.

After that you can switch back to Oracle installation application and press Retry.

At the end of installation you will be instructed to run one shell script from root. To do that open new tab in Terminal and execute (substitute “username” with your login name):

su - username
sudo /Users/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/root.sh

Hopefully installation will complete successfully.

Creation of database

Switch back to Terminal tab with oracle user and add the following lines to .bash_profile of oracle user:

export ORACLE_HOME=/Users/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1
export ORACLE_SID=orcl

and execute it

. ~/.bash_profile

Now you need to modify $ORACLE_HOME/jdk/bin/java script and change ...java -Xbootclasspath... to ...java -d32 -Xbootclasspath.... This is necessary to force netca and dbca utilities to run in 32-bit mode.

Now you need to do the major installation hack :) Unfortunately the main oracle executable binary when compiled under Snow Leopard is giving core dumps when starting Oracle database and currently the only way how I managed to fix it is to replace this executable file with the one which was compiled previously under Leopard. So you need to download it in trust me that it is correct :)

curl -O http://rayapps.com/downloads/oracle_se.zip
unzip oracle_se.zip
chmod ug+s oracle
rm oracle_se.zip

(If you installed Oracle Enterprise Edition then please substitute oracle_se.zip with oracle_ee.zip)

Now you can run Network Configuration Assistant


and select all default options to create listener and wait until you get confirmation message that listener is configured and started.

After that you can run Database Configuration Assistant


and select

  • Create a Database
  • General Purpose
  • Specify orcl as Global Database Name and SID (or set it to something different if you need)
  • Specify password for SYS and SYSTEM users
  • I selected also Sample Schemas
  • and in Character Sets I selected Use Unicode (AL32UTF8)

At the end of installation I tried to use Password Management to unlock additional schemas but it didn’t work – so you need to unlock other sample schemas if needed using sqlplus.

At the end of installation verify if you can connect to newly created database

sqlplus system@orcl

I hope that my fixes will help you as well and you will be able to connect to database.

If you want to unlock other sample users then do it from sqlplus, e.g.:

alter user hr account unlock identified by hr;

Further instructions are the same as for Leopard and there are no more changes.

Change listener to listen on localhost

As I need this Oracle database just as local development database on my computer then I want to change the listener so that it would listen just on localhost port 1521:

vi $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/listener.ora

and change it to:

    (SID_DESC =
      (SID_NAME = PLSExtProc)
      (ORACLE_HOME = /Users/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1)
      (PROGRAM = extproc)
    (SID_DESC =
      (SID_NAME = orcl)
      (ORACLE_HOME = /Users/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1)
      (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = localhost)(PORT = 1521))

Then also change ORCL alias definition in $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/tnsnames.ora to:

    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = localhost)(PORT = 1521))
      (SERVICE_NAME = orcl)

After this change restart listener and try to connect with sqlplus to verify that these changes are successful.

Automatic startup of Oracle database

If you want that Oracle database is started automatically when your computer is booted then you need to create the following startup script. Start terminal and switch to root.

At first edit /etc/oratab and change N to Y at the end of line for ORCL database – this will be used by dbstart utility to find which databases should be started automatically.

Then create startup script for Oracle database:

mkdir /Library/StartupItems/Oracle
cd /Library/StartupItems/Oracle
vi Oracle

and enter the following:


# Suppress the annoying "$1: unbound variable" error when no option
# was given
if [ -z $1 ] ; then
  echo "Usage: $0 [start|stop|restart] "
  exit 1

# source the common startup script
. /etc/rc.common

# Change the value of ORACLE_HOME to specify the correct Oracle home
# directory for the installation

# change the value of ORACLE to the login name of the
# oracle owner at your site


# Set shell limits for the Oracle Database
ulimit -Hu 2068
ulimit -Su 2068
ulimit -Hn 65536
ulimit -Sn 65536

  ConsoleMessage "Starting Oracle Databases"
  su $ORACLE -c "$ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbstart $ORACLE_HOME"

  ConsoleMessage "Stopping Oracle Databases"
  su $ORACLE -c "$ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbshut $ORACLE_HOME"


RunService "$1"

and then make this script executable

chmod a+x Oracle

and in addition create properties file:

vi StartupParameters.plist

with the following contents:

  Description     = "Oracle Database Startup";
  Provides        = ("Oracle Database");
  Requires        = ("Disks");
  OrderPreference = "None";

Now you can verify that these scripts are working. Open new terminal and try

sudo /Library/StartupItems/Oracle/Oracle stop

to stop the database and

sudo /Library/StartupItems/Oracle/Oracle start

to start again the database. And later you can reboot your computer also to verify that Oracle database will be started automatically.

Hide oracle user from login window

After computer reboot you probably noticed that now you got oracle user in initial login window. To get rid of it execute this from terminal:

sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.loginwindow HiddenUsersList -array-add oracle

What next?

Now when you have Oracle database installed you would need some development tools that you could use to access the database. Here are some links:

Please comment if you find any issues with Oracle Database 10g installation on Snow Leopard using this tutorial.

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